Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Pay The Price With Sacrifice
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
This is the Success Sensei Podcast Episode 47 :)
I would love to hear your views. Please get in touch using any of the channels below. All comments, reviews, subscribes, likes and shares are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support.
**Now Twice A Week: Every Wednesday there’s a brand new Success Sensei Blog, Podcast and Vlog. Every Friday we’re bringing you the Friday Blitz – a shorter, sharper, shockier Success Sensei Podcast and Vlog.
By Roundhouse Rob, The Success Sensei
Robert Devane is a serial entrepreneur and experienced investor as well as a former martial arts multiple World champion and professional MMA fighter with over 20 years of coaching experience.
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Friday Jun 21, 2019
Is It Egotistical To Want A Legacy?
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Friday Jun 21, 2019
This is the Success Sensei FRIDAY BLITZ
Episode 46 :)
I would love to hear your views. Please get in touch using any of the channels below. All comments, reviews, subscribes, likes and shares are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support.
**Now Twice A Week: Every Wednesday there’s a brand new Success Sensei Blog, Podcast and Vlog. Every Friday we’re bringing you the Friday Blitz – a shorter, sharper, shockier Success Sensei Podcast and Vlog.
By Roundhouse Rob, The Success Sensei
Robert Devane is a serial entrepreneur and experienced investor as well as a former martial arts multiple World champion and professional MMA fighter with over 20 years of coaching experience.
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Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Welcome To Ego City
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Episode 45
We’re already on episode 45 and I can’t believe I haven’t delved deeper into the subject of ego yet. Ego is a recurring and underlying theme in pretty much all of the Success Sensei podcasts. Last week I talked about instant gratification so this is the perfect follow on subject. The fact that I’m writing about egotism should give my detractors a good laugh!
Let’s start at the beginning. We all have egos. We all have a healthy ego and an unhealthy ego. When I say healthy and unhealthy, I’m mainly talking about your own ego in relation to your own mental health. However, your ego could also have an impact on the mental health of others. Some people have more of an unhealthy ego then a healthy one. We can all afford to give ourselves a little ego audit to make sure that we are making the best choices in life.
The ego is defined as your sense of self. It’s what you think about yourself, your opinion of who you are. It may not match the reality. Your ego is made up of self-esteem, self-importance, self-worth, self-respect, self-conceit, self-image and self-confidence. Too much ego, especially if unmanaged, can be a negative thing. Too little ego could mean a lack of motivation or determination towards your goals.
Here’s a brief list to help clarify between the two.
Unhealthy Ego versus Healthy Ego
Defensive & reactive Optimistic & grateful
Unwilling to listen Understands different views
Believes others are the problem Believes in self-improvement
Hates change Embraces change
Blames others Accepts responsibility
Uses unhealthy escapism Has healthy coping mechanisms
Manipulative Understanding & helpful
Avoids stress, fear, nerves Knows the cost to succeed
Makes everything about them Freely compliments others
Sense of entitlement Hard work ethic
Secretly competitive Genuinely delighted for others
Bends the truth Truthful
Inability to say sorry Apologises when necessary
I’m sure there are many more that could be added but you get the gist of it. Don’t panic if you can identify with some of the negative ones. Welcome to being human. Truth be told, we’ve probably all hit each and every one of the above at some stage in our lives.
Feel free to look stupid
The fear of looking foolish is a fear that can single-handedly prevent you from success. Your unhealthy ego doesn’t want you to make mistakes. The top fighters in the World have a bigger fear of looking stupid than they do of losing or getting hurt. That’s how strong that fear can be so do your best to let that fear go. We all look stupid from time to time so there’s no point in letting that hold you back. I’ve witnessed many fighters losing because they were more concerned about looking good (or not looking stupid) than winning. Showing off to try to look like a fighter is a mind-set that can prevent a novice fighter from focusing on the task at hand (winning). Unhealthy ego can easily be spotted in the fighting/competitive/martial arts environment. Being afraid to look stupid will hold you back from every new venture.
Can I let you know something that might help with the urge to keep up appearances? People don’t have anywhere near the interest in you and your life that you may be worried they do. None of us are that interesting. Not taking action because you are worried about being judged is holding you back from your best life. Live your own life and base your decisions on how you feel and not on how you think your actions will be perceived by people you aren’t close to anyway.
Everyone is the centre of their own universe and it’s easy to believe the World revolves around you. After all, you’ve never lived anyone else’s life. Everyone thinks their struggles are harder than others. Everyone thinks that their time is more important than other people’s time. Everyone feels that they deserve more than everyone else. Now that you know everyone can feel these things, it is up to you to manage these thoughts as best you can. You can’t remove or transcend ego, that’s impossible, but you can attempt to swop an unhealthy ego with a healthier one.
I would love to hear your views. Please get in touch using any of the channels below. All comments, reviews, subscribes, likes and shares are greatly appreciated. Thank you for all your continued support.
**Now Twice A Week: Every Wednesday there’s a brand new Success Sensei Blog, Podcast and Vlog. Every Friday we’re bringing you the Friday Blitz – a shorter, sharper, shockier Success Sensei Podcast and Vlog.
By Roundhouse Rob, The Success Sensei
Robert Devane is a serial entrepreneur and experienced investor as well as a former martial arts multiple World champion and professional MMA fighter with over 20 years of coaching experience.
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Friday Jun 14, 2019
Do You Have A Fighter's Mind-set?
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Let's compare YOUR thought pattern to a fighter's Mind-set.
This is the Success Sensei FRIDAY BLITZ
Episode 44 :)
I would love to hear your views. Please get in touch using any of the channels below. All comments, reviews, subscribes, likes and shares are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support.
**Now Twice A Week: Every Wednesday there’s a brand new Success Sensei Blog, Podcast and Vlog. Every Friday we’re bringing you the Friday Blitz – a shorter, sharper, shockier Success Sensei Podcast and Vlog.
By Roundhouse Rob, The Success Sensei
Robert Devane is a serial entrepreneur and experienced investor as well as a former martial arts multiple World champion and professional MMA fighter with over 20 years of coaching experience.
For more amazing FREE content please visit:
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Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Instant Gratification Is Costing You Your Future
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Instant gratification is the temptation to experience a quick pleasure or fulfillment without delay and without working for it. It’s choosing to neglect a future benefit in favour of a less rewarding but more immediate benefit. You want it and you want it now. This might sound great and some of you reading this are asking yourself what the problem is! There can be a harsh payback for living this type of hedonistic lifestyle. Living in the moment can be great but it’s reckless if it’s costing you your future. Companies spend massive amounts of revenue trying to figure out how to appeal to your instant gratification. Don’t spend your future today. You could end up feeling washed up without anything of substance in your life. Regret can be torturous.
Before I get into this and before you shoot me down, can I reiterate that the running theme for The Success Sensei is balance. We are attempting to balance out everything in life and achieve a Goldilocks status. We are aiming to get our balance ‘Just Right’. It would be great to be able to live in the moment without it affecting your future and to be able to plan and strive for your future goals without missing out on the present. Don’t forget to stop to smell the roses. This blog should never be viewed as a judgement or a lecture as it’s simply a conversation. A conversation with myself that I hope can benefit others or at the very least stimulate your thoughts.
Examples of instant gratification can include the following;
- Food: Choosing by taste instead of goodness.
- Alcohol: It’s hard to be productive when you’re drunk or hungover.
- Smoking: Sure there’s no point to this one at all.
- Gambling: You know which way it’s going to go.
- Gaming: Playing games instead of doing work.
- Social Media: I’ll just check my timeline for a second…..an hour goes by.
- Sex: Instant gratification that can lead to larger issues.
- Television: Watching programmes of little substance.
- Internet: A simple search can lead on to much wasted time.
- Drugs: Recreational, prescription and non-prescription offer a temporary state.
- Sleep: Using the snooze button instead of ‘up and at em’.
- Shopping: endorphins are released by shopping and yes this includes big ticket items too (cars and holidays).
In fact, this list is everything that could lead to addiction. It’s the procrastinators dream. The biggest problem is that each of these can give you a temporary illusion of happiness which can quickly subside and leave you feeling empty. This in turn can have you chasing the next instant gratification ‘hit’ and the vicious circle is complete.
How To Take Back Control
- Start with the end in mind.
Imagine your future self and how you wish things to be. Don’t imagine that life always gets easier. If you did have a choice, would you rather struggle while you are young and able bodied or would you rather the hardship occurred when you had gotten on in years and health? It would be smarter to take a bit of pain now to ensure a brighter future.
- Know what you want.
This point is about your goals. Think about what you want, write it down and for maximum mind-set, visualise it.
- Identify your weak areas.
Know your vices. Reread the above list and identify which of the areas is causing your future the most hardship. Aim to tackle this one first.
- Stop justifying your actions.
The saying, “You can’t bring it with you”, can give you the perfect excuse not to have anything to pass on to the next generation. “Live in the moment,” won’t be a great philosophy for your future self.
- Reward yourself.
Turn it upside down and allow yourself a reward upon completion of a harder task. This can prevent distraction before you even begin (or never start) a task.
- Distract from the distractions
When you consciously catch yourself choosing the easier path, simply stop and switch. It is all a mind-set. Rereading your goals can help too.
- Keep motivated.
Watch, listen and read about others (in your chosen field) whose motivation you find to be infectious.
All work and no play isn’t a balanced lifestyle either so I’m not promoting workaholism. Our lifestyles can change often so make sure that you regularly review and make the minor adjustments necessary (each way) to stay on track.
If you are affected by any of the topics mentioned here or if feel you may need help, please seek professional advice.
I would love to hear your views. Please get in touch using any of the channels below. All comments, reviews, subscribes, likes and shares are greatly appreciated. Thank you for all your continued support.
**Now Twice A Week: Every Wednesday there’s a brand new Success Sensei Blog, Podcast and Vlog. Every Friday we’re bringing you the Friday Blitz – a shorter, sharper, shockier Success Sensei Podcast and Vlog.
By Roundhouse Rob, The Success Sensei
Robert Devane is a serial entrepreneur and experienced investor as well as a former martial arts multiple World champion and professional MMA fighter with over 20 years of coaching experience.
For more amazing FREE content please visit:
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Friday Jun 07, 2019
Are You Keeping Track Of Your Small WINS?
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Small achievements snowball into the bigger stuff so make sure you do this!
This is the Success Sensei FRIDAY BLITZ
Episode 42 :)
I would love to hear your views. Please get in touch using any of the channels below. All comments, reviews, subscribes, likes and shares are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support.
**Now Twice A Week: Every Wednesday there’s a brand new Success Sensei Blog, Podcast and Vlog. Every Friday we’re bringing you the Friday Blitz – a shorter, sharper, shockier Success Sensei Podcast and Vlog.
By Roundhouse Rob, The Success Sensei
Robert Devane is a serial entrepreneur and experienced investor as well as a former martial arts multiple World champion and professional MMA fighter with over 20 years of coaching experience.
For more amazing FREE content please visit:
The Success Sensei on Apple itunes
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Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Your Acres Of DIAMONDS
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
There are many different variations of the ‘Acres of Diamonds’ story but the original was created by Russell Conwell and published in 1890. Conwell delivered the story as a lecture over 6000 times so he must be considered as one of the original motivational speakers. Despite its popularity, I regularly meet people who haven’t heard it. ‘Acres of Diamonds’ may be an old story but it’s still very relevant today and worth reflecting on.
The story goes something like this:
A wealthy farmer heard about the riches that could be had from diamond mining so he dedicated his life to search for diamonds. He spent all of his money travelling and purchasing land, machinery and labour. It consumed all of his time and energy. He neglected all of the relationships in his life and he blew through every possession he ever owned. The farmer died broke and feeling like a failure. It was a totally different story for the man who bought his farm though. He accidentally discovered one of the largest diamond finds in history, right there on the farm!
What does the ‘acres of diamonds’ story mean to your life?
Open your mind
Sometimes we can be so focused on one area that we cannot see further options. That is exactly why it can be good to talk to people who aren’t emotionally connected to your emotional problem. We can find ourselves to be indecisive in certain situations and yet we would be able to offer good advice if it were someone else. Increase your perspective and try to view life through a wider lens. It’s all the way you look at things and looking within is the best start.
Look within
I’ve taught martial arts my whole life. I’ve always believed that everyone can fight. It’s about bringing out the fighting spirit that’s already there and connecting it with an improvement of physical movement. I’m simply developing what’s already there in my students.
A lot of the answers are already in you. Your happier, healthier and more successful self is already there on the inside. You are better than you think and stronger than you think. Dig your own back garden first in your pursuit of a brighter future.
Believe in yourself
Self-belief will give you the confidence to pursue the things you want and to develop into the person you wish to be. If you open your mind and look within then you’ll be on the right path to self-belief. If that’s too confusing or you need a quick confidence boost, simply remind yourself that If others can do it then so can you?
Capitalise on your strengths
Every one of us has things we are good at and things we are bad at. Being honest with yourself can help to increase your self-awareness. Self-awareness can help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Concentrate on using the things you are good at to improve your life and try to become better in those areas that need work. Do this for long enough and you’ll have a large arsenal of skills.
Learn more
Education is the same as digging your own land for diamonds or even acquiring more land for your farm. Education comes in many forms and when you continually study, you will further develop your skills as well as adding new ones.
Just like ‘acres of diamonds’, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Green with envy maybe! Focus on yourself first and then focus on helping as many people as possible. This will lead to a more successful and fulfilling life. I hope you discover lots of diamonds. Just remember that a diamond doesn’t look like a diamond in rough form!
I would love to hear your views. Please get in touch using any of the channels below. All comments, reviews, subscribes, likes and shares are greatly appreciated. Thank you for all your continued support.
**Now Twice A Week: Every Wednesday there’s a brand new Success Sensei Blog, Podcast and Vlog. Every Friday we’re bringing you the Friday Blitz – a shorter, sharper, shockier Success Sensei Podcast and Vlog.
By Roundhouse Rob, The Success Sensei
Robert Devane is a serial entrepreneur and experienced investor as well as a former martial arts multiple World champion and professional MMA fighter with over 20 years of coaching experience.
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Friday May 31, 2019
Does Everything Happen For A Reason?
Friday May 31, 2019
Friday May 31, 2019
Has everything happened for a reason in your life?
This is #episode40 and it's The FRIDAY BLITZ!
I would love to hear your views. Please get in touch using any of the channels below. All comments, reviews, subscribes, likes and shares are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support.
**Now Twice A Week: Every Wednesday there’s a brand new Success Sensei Blog, Podcast and Vlog. Every Friday we’re bringing you the Friday Blitz – a shorter, sharper, shockier Success Sensei Podcast and Vlog.
By Roundhouse Rob, The Success Sensei
Robert Devane is a serial entrepreneur and experienced investor as well as a former martial arts multiple World champion and professional MMA fighter with over 20 years of coaching experience.
For more amazing FREE content please visit:
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Wednesday May 29, 2019
Peer Pressure Is Controlling Your ENTIRE Life
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
We are all conforming to some type of social pressure. It could be our family, our friends, our community or our work colleagues that are keeping us in check and holding us accountable for every decision and action step we take or don’t take or even think about taking. While being socially accepted with your groups can be very satisfying, it could be holding you back from fully becoming the person you wish to be.
Let’s take John Doe for example. At a young age “he” chose to study his future career based on his parent’s expectations. His schooling and neighbourhood peer groups also reflected his decision and he proceeded to the job that was expected of him. Eventually he moved to the area and the house that fit in with his social status. He even married based on the approval of others. The type of car he drives, the clothes he wears, the holidays he takes and the clubs that he is a member of are all reflective of his social circle. Some people claim that you are the average of your 5 closest friends. John’s whole life has equated to living up to an ideal that was given to him by everyone in his life. He hasn’t lived his own life. John Doe is fictitious but if we reflect on our past decisions I’m sure that we all will have experience of being swayed by peer pressure.
Social media and media in general are also greatly adding to the strain of peer pressure. They are selling you the life that you convince yourself you need to live.
When I was a kid we moved house several times. I lived in different areas as an adult too. While this had the obvious drawbacks, I didn’t have all the same peer pressures that I see in others. I managed to avoid community based peer pressure and peer pressure from school mates as I attended different schools. Not all peer pressure is bad. It’s a good thing if it keeps someone from destructive behaviour but not a good thing if it prevents you from succeeding. The most obvious peer pressure in Irish society has to be around the subject of alcohol. I think that every Irish person can relate to that one.
We are all greatly influenced by others and not every wants to see you succeed, especially if it’s more success than they’ve achieved. We are all brain washed to some degree. Understanding that we can be so affected by others can be a freeing mind-set. This simple realisation can give you back choice. Some of your beliefs and past decisions could contain falsehoods. Are you doing it for you or are you doing it to impress others or because it’s what’s expected of you? Eliminating peer pressure allows you to become more focused on what YOU actually want. It will make your goals a lot clearer. It’s absolutely fine if what you want matches what others expect of you. We’re talking here about blindly following what’s expected of you all the way up to your quarter or mid-life crisis when regret could hit you like a ton of bricks.
It all boils down to your awareness of yourself and remaining true to what you believe in. Living your best life may require less social interaction but you’ll be able to choose better friends.
I would love to hear your views. Please get in touch using any of the channels below. All comments, reviews, subscribes, likes and shares are greatly appreciated. Thank you for all your continued support.
**Now Twice A Week: Every Wednesday there’s a brand new Success Sensei Blog, Podcast and Vlog. Every Friday we’re bringing you the Friday Blitz – a shorter, sharper, shockier Success Sensei Podcast and Vlog.
By Roundhouse Rob, The Success Sensei
Robert Devane is a serial entrepreneur and experienced investor as well as a former martial arts multiple World champion and professional MMA fighter with over 20 years of coaching experience.
For more amazing FREE content please visit:
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Friday May 24, 2019
What Are Your Options When You're Cornered?
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
What do you do when your back is against the wall? This can be applied to life and business too.
This is #episode38 and it's The FRIDAY BLITZ!
I would love to hear your views. Please get in touch using any of the channels below. All comments, reviews, subscribes, likes and shares are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support.
**Now Twice A Week: Every Wednesday there’s a brand new Success Sensei Blog, Podcast and Vlog. Every Friday we’re bringing you the Friday Blitz – a shorter, sharper, shockier Success Sensei Podcast and Vlog.
By Roundhouse Rob, The Success Sensei
Robert Devane is a serial entrepreneur and experienced investor as well as a former martial arts multiple World champion and professional MMA fighter with over 20 years of coaching experience.
For more amazing FREE content please visit:
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